The gums and soft tissues that support your teeth are a very important part of your smile. Drs. Kinra, and Kinra, our dentists at Great Lakes Family Dental, are pleased to offer periodontal treatments to take care of this portion of your smile. Periodontal treatments focus on preventing gum decay and damage while treating any existing conditions. One of the most common conditions we see at our dental office is gum disease. Gum disease is an often painful infection and inflammation of the gums. It causes gums to bleed and become swollen as the gum tissue slowly disintegrates. This often causes your gum line to recede and eventually leads to tooth loss.
To prevent and treat gum disease, we offer a number of deep cleaning methods based on the severity of your case. Most are designed to remove built-up plaque and tartar and remove diseased gum tissue. The type of gum treatment we suggest will be based on your individual case and the severity of your case. If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of gum disease in Jackson, Michigan, we invite you to contact our dental office today for the help you deserve. We are dedicated to taking care of your entire smile.