Don’t Doubt the Dental Benefits of Tooth Decay Prevention and Care
Are you aware of the risks associated with tooth decay and what commonly causes it? Tooth decay is a condition in which your tooth enamel is slowly worn down. As your tooth enamel is a thin layer that protects the inner linings of your teeth, so it must be cared for as much as possible…. Read more »
You Can Receive a Dental Bridge in Place of a Cracked Tooth
Cracking a tooth is a very unfortunate occurrence that we hope you don’t have to experience in your lifetime. However, if it happens and the cracked tooth is so severe that your oral health is compromised, the tooth may need to be pulled. To replace a badly cracked tooth, we can offer several tooth restoration… Read more »
How to Prevent Dental Emergencies
Do you want to know more about preventing dental emergencies? If so, our dentist, Dr. , is happy to help you! Dental emergencies can still happen, but there are things you can do to reduce your chances of experiencing one. Here are some tips: -Wear a mouthguard while you’re active: A mouthguard can protect your… Read more »
Canker Sores and Cold Sores Are Not The Same
Mouth sores are annoying. They can be irritating and ugly, and can even cause quite a bit of pain. Two of the most common kinds of mouth sores are canker sores and cold sores. Though often referred to interchangeably, they are not, in fact, the same. Canker sores are small ulcerations with a white or… Read more »
Getting Dental Sealants
Are you vulnerable to cavities on your teeth? If you don’t have dental sealants applied, the answer may be yes. We amassed this post to help you learn a small bit more about dental sealants; continue reading to increase your understanding, and feel free to contact us to plan an appointment if you’d like to… Read more »
Calcium Daily Dose, Sans Milk
To get the recommended daily dose of calcium, many people turn to dairy products. They are excellent calcium sources. But if you need to limit dairy, how can you get the recommended daily dose of 1,000-2,000mg per day? There are actually many non-dairy foods with great calcium content. Here are some alternatives to consider: Dark… Read more »
Your Toothbrush: Take Care of It!
There are many things to consider as you properly buy, store, and protect your most-used dental hygiene tool. Here are some things to think about regarding taking care of your toothbrush. Buy a new toothbrush every 3-4 months. Replace your brush earlier if it becomes contaminated in any way. You should also replace the toothbrush… Read more »
Basics of Smile Care
It’s easy, in the frantic push of life, to let the little things slide. But oral health care is no little thing! Here are some basics to remember as you try to give your teeth the best care you can. Brush: Remember to brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day. This is a… Read more »
What Can I Do to Prepare My Child’s Smile for Vacation?
Is your biggest fear during vacation a dental emergency? If so, our dentist, Dr. , and dental team don’t blame you. Dental emergencies can definitely put a damper on the sightseeing and other fun adventures. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help you and your child avoid this situation. The first thing is… Read more »
A New Dental Bridge Needs to Be Included in Your Daily Oral Hygiene Regimen
Your new dental bridge installed by Dr. represents a significant investment in restoring the presence of a tooth that was lost to dental trauma or untreated tooth decay. It was created from durable dental materials capable of replicating the natural strength of your original tooth. Even though it will not be directly vulnerable to tooth… Read more »
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