Dental Sealants: Defenders Of Teeth
Do you want to protect your teeth against decay? Who doesn’t? Brushing and flossing your teeth is the best way to protect them, but a dental sealant can help as well. Learn about what dental sealants are, how they’re applied to teeth, and what they can do for your dental health. What Dental Sealants Are… Read more »
Picking On Toothpicks: How They Can Damage Teeth
Restaurants often carry toothpicks for their customers to clean their teeth with. However, before you start poking this splinter of wood around your mouth, you should know what most dentists say about toothpick use. Toothpick Damage Frequent and vigorous toothpick use can damage your teeth and gums in several ways. It can: Create cracks in… Read more »
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